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FINAL STATEMENT International scientific conference The Western Caucasus: Contemporary Issues (Rostov-on-Don, March 18-19 2013)

Публикации | ПОПУЛЯРНОЕ | 20.03.2013 | 21:37

We, scholars on the region of the Western Caucasus, representatives of media and non-government organizations, including those who have come from Russia (including North-Caucasian Federal District) Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Ukraine, discussed a broad range of controversial issues, which have great importance for West Caucasus before the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, as well as some matters for discussion related to the past. 

The participants were offered reports on the management of regional problems. There were conclusions presented that, we hope, would facilitate the formation and stronger support of consolidated public opinion on the need to find solutions to the issues on the basis of open and interested dialogue. 

We hold the opinion that:

1. The fact that the 2014 Olympic games are to be held on the territory of the Caucasus has great symbolic significance. It is an outstanding event symbolizing peace, mutual respect and friendship between nations. It can become a springboard for spreading stability and well-being in the region. 

2. The guests coming from all over the world will be introduced to the national flavor and traditions. It will remain in their memory for a long time. The Games are a chance to demonstrate one’s own athletic prowess, as well as multiplicity of cultures. It will give a chance to make a contribution into world civilization and the history of mankind. 

3. The infrastructure being built will serve as an important incentive for boosting regional economic activity and the development of the whole region, creating new working places and raise living standards. 

4. Peace and prosperity in the Caucasus are two things intertwined. There is a strong commonality uniting the nations of the region, who are equally interested in peace, long-term stability and successful development. The Caucasian nations should call upon the political leadership of respective states to find peaceful solutions to the disputes within the framework of dialogue. 

5. There is a policy practiced by some actors on the international scene aimed at using the large-scale athletic event for the purpose of launching diplomatic and information offensive against the host-country. It is in stark contradiction with the ideals of international Olympics movement, rules and norms of interstate cooperation. 

6. There have been many tragic events in the history of Caucasian War. It brought about multiple tragedies and made many people victims. At that, it’s not correct to construe the events beyond the historic context viewing them only according to what the current political expediency dictates. 

7.  The integration of the Caucasus into the Russian state was a long lasting and complex process unfolded under the influence of outside events. The durable historic interaction between Russia and the Caucasian nations has brought about many positive results of civilizational nature, things like: written language, literature, a wide network of educational institutions, formation of scientific and creative elite. 

8.  The preservation of close, brotherly nations type ties of the Adygea and the Abkhaz people living in Turkey, Syria, Jordan and other states with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Abkhazia and all the related North Caucasian regions is an important component of social and political stability in the Caucasus.

9. Many Caucasians are victims of military conflicts of the XIX century. The conference participants stress the significance of their repatriation and upgrading legal, political and organizational norms to effectively manage the process. 

10. The XIX events in the Western Caucasus were complex and dramatic. It is expedient to consider the idea of erecting a memorial to the victims of Caucasian War. The time is ripe to come up with a historic research devoted to the War and the common history of the Russian, the Adygea and the Abkhaz nations. 

11. We respect and cherish the multiplicity of the Western Caucasus peoples. We find it important to address the Russian Federation Olympic Committee and the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee on the issue of including the elements Adygea and the Abkhaz culture into symbolic signs, ceremonies, settings and cultural events of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and 2014 Paralympic Games. 

12.  It is expedient to publish the materials of the conference The Western Caucasus: Contemporary Issues on the website of the Society for the Scientific Study of Caucasus and other press and internet outlets. We also find it propitious to issue the materials in the form of a separate publication. 

Adopted unanimously in Rostov-on-Don

March 19 2013. 

Западный Кавказ: современные проблемы Научное общество кавказоведов

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